Auto Service: Signs of a Malfunctioning Oil Pump

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Your vehicle's oil pump is crucial for optimum functionality of the car's mechanical system as well as keeping your vehicle in healthy condition. This is because it is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all the bearings are adequately lubricated. Due to its heavy usage, the oil pump is designed for sturdiness. Nevertheless, this does not mean that it is immune to wear and tear. In older vehicles, the oil pump may begin to deteriorate and it would be essential to spot the symptoms before it starts affecting the performance of your vehicle. Below are some of the signs that would imply your oil pump has started to malfunction.

There is a decrease in your vehicle's oil pressure

One of the responsibilities of the oil pump is to regulate the pressure of the oil. It functions to pressurise your engine oil and make use of the pressure to ensure that the oil is being pumped to all parts of the engine that require it. Without it being able to do this, the various components in your engine will not be sufficiently greased and this will lead to the components rubbing against each other as you drive. When this is happening, you will find that your vehicle begins to stall on a frequent basis. It would be essential to have a mechanic inspect your vehicle to determine if this is the problem.

There is an increase in operational temperature

While the oil pump is transferring oil to the different parts of the engine, it aids in keeping the engine cool, as there will be a decrease in friction between the various components of the engine. If your vehicle's oil pump is not in optimum condition, then it will not be able to facilitate this lubrication effectively. This, in turn, translates into increased operational temperature, as there will not be friction in your engine parts. Not attending to this problem will inevitably lead to your vehicle breaking down due to overheating. It is, therefore, prudent to have the damaged oil pump repaired or replaced post haste.

There is an increase in noise from the hydraulic lifters

Hydraulic lifters as located in the valve-train of your vehicle. To function properly, the lifters require sufficient lubrication. The lubrication also functions to keep the lifters inaudible, as they will not be exposed to any friction. If you begin to notice an increase in noise from the hydraulic lifters, it is highly likely you have a damaged oil pump and would require car servicing.
