Truck Repairs: All about Jake Brakes and Their Repair

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Trucks are famous for carrying heavy cargos, making their braking systems vulnerable to failures or frequent breakdowns. To boost the braking system for vehicles, manufacturers installed the Jake braking system, also known as compression release engine brakes, in large diesel engines to help drivers experience better and safer truck stops. These brakes work by opening the valves in the exhaust immediately after the compression stroke, thus letting out the compressed gas in the cylinders, which decelerates the truck engine.…

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What Is the Best Way to Repair a Jaguar Involved in a Crash?

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Any type of damage that requires a smash repair is likely to have been caused by quite a traumatic event, such as an accident. When it involves a luxury car such as a Jaguar, there can be significant challenges in making sure that the restoration work done restores the Jaguar to its original condition. Authorised Repairers Where the repair work is done is perhaps the most important decision that needs to be made.…

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Why the Efficiency of Your Radiator Could Be Its Downfall

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When you’re driving your car at full speed on a motorway, the temperature inside the engine can rise to unbelievable levels. In fact, it can be as high as 200°F (104°C), and the motor will certainly need some help if it is to maintain its efficiency, keep working as it should and avoid having a meltdown. In order to protect the engine, water has to be recirculated through special channels within the engine block, and the whole process relies on the humble radiator at the front of the vehicle.…

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